
My Blog Posts

Introducing the Metadata

Welcome back for the first “real” installment in this blog series. Here, I want to introduce the metadata that is the centerpiece of my music player’s entire experience. Once we work through the introduction here, there will be two major components of this:

What is Metadata?

Let’s start at the top, “what is metadata?”. To quote Wikipedia:

Metadata is “data that provides information about other data”, but not the content of the data, such as the text of a message or the image itself.

I don’t really have much to add beyond that for metadata in general, let’s see what kind of metadata exists for our media.

Audio File Metadata

Today the metadata we will be talking about will be data concerning album info, artist info, track info, etc. The data “proper” would be the bits that represent the audio waveform to reproduce for your speakers/headphones/etc. Each audio file will have this metadata inside their file contents.

A simple way to think of the metadata we will be working with here is as a map of keys to values. For all of the text metadata, it could map to JSON, which I’ll use to establish a baseline. An example of some metadata (exact names of the keys will vary based on the encoding format; we’ll cover those exact details in a bit) we expect to see in a given music file would be something like:

    "artist": "The Cool Band",
    "album_artist": "The Cool Band",
    "album": "Fun Songs for Dancing",
    "disc": "1",
    "disctotal": "1",
    "track": "1",
    "tracktotal": "14",
    "title": "Wonderful Time",
    "date": "2009",
    "genre": "Dance Pop"

The keys and their values should hopefully be pretty self-explanatory. I’ll just mention a few things:

To repeat, each file will have all of this information tagged on it. There is no album.json or anything that contains the album information that the tracks can refer to, it will all be repeated, or can be computed after by looking at all tracks that “belong togeter” (we’ll get to how to decide what tracks are together in a future blog post).

With this hypothetical JSON example in mind, let’s dig into some specific formats.

Introducing the Audio Formats

There are three major definitions I want to establish for this section:

The Definitions

Audio File Format

An Audio File Format is a file format for storing digital audio, both the actual audio bits as well as any extra bits for metadata and/or other information.

Audio Coding Format

An Audio Coding Format is a content format to hold the bits that represent the actual audio. They can be lossy or lossless, compressed or uncompressed, and vary in other ways.

Metadata Container

Some audio file formats define a specification for metadata, but some do not. If the file format does not define how to embed metadata directly, a separate metadata container will be leveraged. These metadata containers are what we will be focusing on today.

Concrete Audio File Formats

We’re only going to be focusing on two audio file formats here: FLAC and MP3. Please note: MP3 and FLAC are both a kind of audio file format as well as the name of their audio coding formats. Let’s take a look at these two file formats and the related metadata containers that exist for them. Just to spell them both out:


The .mp3 audio file format uses the audio coding format of the same name: MP3. The most common metadata container used in .mp3 files is the ID3 container.


The .flac audio file format also uses an audio coding format of its same name: FLAC. The FLAC format also has support for metadata built into its spec, which we (and the industry in general) leverage.

Specifics of Each Audio Format Metadata

Let’s dig into the specifics of the metadata tagging used with each audio format. We will do so with tables that enumerate:

ID3 (MP3)

As enumerated on Wikipedia the ID3 spec lists the following that we will care about:

ID3 Frame Key Value Description FFmpeg Canonical Key
TPE1 Track Artist artist
TPE2 Album Artist album_artist
TALB Album Name album
TPOS Disc Number (first half of format 1/2) disc
TPOS Disc Total (second half of format 1/2) disctotal
TRCK Track Number (first half of format 1/10) track
TRCK Track Total (second half of format 1/10) tracktotal
TIT2 Track Title title
TYER Year of Release date
TCON Song Genre genre

The value descriptions don’t match precisely what Wikipedia reports, but the mapping I am describing do match what I’ve seen in the real world, for whatever that is worth. Theory vs Practice and whatnot.


The FLAC specification does not define the metadata field names to use (see section 9.6.1 of the spec) so we’ll follow their link to MusicBrainz’s basic tags and advanced tags and we can establish:

FLAC Frame Key Value Description FFmpeg Canonical Key
artist Track Artist artist
albumartist Album Artist album_artist
album Album Name album
discnumber Disc Number disc
totaldiscs* Disc Total disctotal
tracknumber Track Number track
totaltracks* Track Total tracktotal
title Track Title title
date Year of Release date
genre Song Genre genre

* I have not seen totaldiscs nor totaltracks tagged in any music I’ve purchased, but I do see disctotal in 98% of tracks with a discnumber tagged (not all distributions seem to tag even the discnumber if there is only one disc) and tracktotal in >50% of my total tracks.

With all of this in mind, let’s try to get some rubber on some road and use a real tool that will inspect real files, using ffmpeg.

What is FFmpeg?

Basics of FFmpeg

FFmpeg is a software project built to help you do anything you want with audio, video, images, and other multimedia.

To use their own words:

A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.

And to quote Wikipedia:

FFmpeg is a free and open-source software project consisting of a suite of libraries and programs for handling video, audio, and other multimedia files and streams. At its core is the command-line ffmpeg tool itself, designed for processing of video and audio files.

The main thing that we’ll be leveraging FFmpeg for throughout this blog post is to manipulate the metadata. FFmpeg is so much more powerful though, we really are using so little of what it is capable of. FFmpeg rocks, it’s worth poking around with if you’re curious about it! Anyways, back on track.

FFmpeg Binaries

FFmpeg consists of three major binaries, but we’ll really only be focusing on two today:


This is the real powerhouse that does the data transformation. The most common usages of ffmpeg will pass the following:

We’ll do some examples very soon for what kinds of transfomations you can do.


This tool inspects an input file and prints out the information about it in human or machine readable formats. We will be using this tool to show the metadata of files we have produced.


This tool will play back a given file, be it a music file, video file, image, or otherwise. We will barely use this tool in this blog post.

Example Usages of ffmpeg and ffprobe

As mentioned with the specific file formats, ffmpeg has canonical names for the frame keys, the best documentatation that I can find that matches with what I’ve seen in the real world can be found here. We’ll be using these canonical keys, but note that it will turn into the specific frame key names that were described for both MP3 and FLAC*.

* With just two small notes:

Generating a File with ffmpeg

Let’s start by creating a few (very boring) file using ffmpeg and I’ll discuss what all of the options do:

ffmpeg \
    -f lavfi \
    -i "sine=frequency=220:duration=4" \
    -metadata ARTIST="The Cool Band" \
    -metadata ALBUM_ARTIST="The Cool Band" \
    -metadata ALBUM="Funky Songs for Dancing" \
    -metadata DISCNUMBER=1 \
    -metadata DISCTOTAL=2 \
    -metadata TRACK=1 \
    -metadata TRACKTOTAL=14 \
    -metadata TITLE="Wonderful Time" \
    -metadata DATE=2009 \
    -metadata GENRE="Dance Pop" \

This should create a file that looks like our example JSON from above. Let’s talk through each piece:

Inspecting a File with ffprobe

Let’s take a look at this file we just generated with ffprobe now:

ffprobe -hide_banner example_song.flac
Input #0, flac, from 'example_song.flac':
    ARTIST          : The Cool Band
    album_artist    : The Cool Band
    ALBUM           : Funky Songs for Dancing
    disc            : 1
    DISCTOTAL       : 2
    track           : 1
    TRACKTOTAL      : 14
    TITLE           : Wonderful Time
    DATE            : 2009
    GENRE           : Dance Pop
    encoder         : Lavf59.27.100
  Duration: 00:00:04.00, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 112 kb/s
  Stream #0:0: Audio: flac, 44100 Hz, mono, s16

Taking a look at this output, let’s discuss what we see here:

Transforming a File with ffmpeg

Most people using ffmpeg use it to operate on existing data, so let’s try that now. Some of you may have noticed that the initial JSON had an album named “Fun Songs for Dancing” while our file we tagged had the album “Funky Songs for Dancing”. Let’s fix that!

mv example_song.flac old_example_song.flac

ffmpeg \
    -i old_example_song.flac \
    -c copy \
    -metadata "ALBUM=Fun Songs for Dancing" \

Let’s talk through this, piece by piece, again:

Playing a File with ffplay

If you want to hear 4 seconds of a 220Hz sine wave, you can play back our generated file with:

ffplay -autoexit example_song.flac

Real quick:

Trying FFmpeg Yourself

I have a collection of shell scripts that you can run yourself to toy around with FFmpeg as we did here. You’ll need to install ffmpeg either from the package manager on your system or from their download page. Enjoy!


Alright, that was a decent amount of specifications and real-world usage of ffmpeg. If you want to poke around with existing music files you have, hopefully you have the knowledge to know what to look for and what to make of it all.

Next Installment

We’ll be using the information laid out here as the foundation for the contents of the next blog post, where we’ll use Rust and some audio libraries to process music files and build up a tree of what my Musiq App considers a “canonical” “library” (intentional separate scare quotes). Stay tuned!